Get Support

Clicking on or hovering the mouse over GET SUPPORT located in the top right corner of the screen automatically expands the Get Support screen and displays the Open a Ticket, What’s New, and User Guide options contained therein.

Hover Over Get Support and See These Options

Open a Ticket

Selecting (clicking) the Open a Ticket option displays an Open a Ticket window. This function allows users to automatically open support tickets directly from PWC with Window Book’s Support Team. Users can then monitor their tickets and communicate with Window Book via the Support Portal on Window Book’s website.

Below the print screen is an explanation:

User Contact Information: This section is automatically populated using the contact information recorded in PWC’s registration screen (refer to Registration Screen Detail for more information). This is the contact information that Window Book’s Support Team will use for any needed follow-up; therefore, change the contact information if necessary.

Ticket: This section allows the user to assign identifying characteristics to the ticket:

  • Severity: Select from the drop-down list provided. The available options are: Normal; Critical; Urgent – SYSTEM DOWN; and Low.

  • Support Issue: Select from the drop-down list provided: The available options are: Support/Troubleshooting; Question; Updates to software; Software installation; PostalOne!; File/log review; Registration code; MS SQL; Other; and API Support.

  • Subject: The subject line is automatically populated based on the Support Issue assigned. This field can be edited if the user feels it is necessary, but please leave PWC at the beginning of the Subject line.

Select USPS Site: In this section, using the drop-down provided, users can select which MDR Client (PROD, TEM, CAT, or PREPROD) the issue is occurring. If the issue is not MDR Client site-specific, leave the default value of ‘N/A.’

Describe the problem: In this section, describe the problem and any details that led to it occurring, and if you did anything after it occurred. This same area should also be used if the user questions the product.

Add Attachments: The Open a Ticket function automatically attaches the main PWC log to each ticket created to help Window Book’s Support Team resolve issues faster. In addition, if you chose a USPS Site in step 3, additional files, archive, or table options can also be attached. While these are optional, select all three checkboxes so that if your Support Representative needs these to troubleshoot, they will have them versus asking for them later.

Add Attachment: You can add other attachments like screen images or job files if you feel they are essential to explaining the problem and ultimately resolving it. Click Add Attachment and navigate to the folder where the file or files are located to add them. For example, suppose there are multiple files. You will need to highlight one and then repeat to add another file after adding that file. If you attach the wrong file, click Delete.

When all the necessary information has been provided, click Open a Ticket. The window will automatically close and a semi-transparent “Thank you!” graphic automatically displays on the screen for a few seconds to let the user know that the ticket was created.

At the same time, a support ticket will be created with Window Book, and an email notification will be sent to the email address provided in the ticket.

If you are logged into the , you can click on the hyperlink to open the ticket, and if not logged in, when you click on the link, it will bring you to the Sign In screen. Once you enter your Email and Password, click Sign In, then it will automatically direct you to this ticket.

The above site is a nice feature if you realize you would like to add comments and files. Or, if the problem resolves itself, you can close the ticket.

What's New?

When What's New is selected in PWC, it brings you to the page. Then, click the Mailing Solutions link to display the most current “What’s New” web page.

“What’s New” is published every time there is a software release. It is an easy-to-use reference that details the enhancements being released in each product and contains light instructions, links to documentation, etc. However, Window Book recommends that you review the release notes (when applicable) critical information about the software release, such as bug fixes and any additional settings a user needs to make to the product before it works stated.

User Guide

This link will open your default web browser to open the Setup Guide.

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